"Our roots, the future of the earth" - Discover Rural developement of Veneto | "Chiara graduates"

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Pubblicato il: 25 Febbraio 2024

The rural development of the Veneto Region tell his story!

The institutional campaign “Our roots, the future of the earth” is back!

“Our roots, the future of the earth” is the claim of the institutional campaign with which the Veneto Region wants to involve all citizens in the present and future of agriculture and to raise awareness of European, national and regional support for the rural world.

Veneto Rural Development, understood both as a development policy and as a “sector”, in fact concerns people, actions and opportunities that contribute to collective well-being.

All institutional campaigns are characterized by a call to action: an invitation to discover rural development with a new approach, based on a cinematographic audiovisual production, to convey the themes of the campaign.

Inserted into a domestic and everyday imaginary, the campaigns involve in a simple and direct way, enhancing the work of the people who work every day for rural development in Veneto.

Many of the shots of the institutional campaign commercials were hosted and filmed on farms and other beneficiaries of the rural development policy of Veneto, in the context of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union.

The institutional campaign began in 2023 with the first episode “Chiara’s Diary”.

Media plan

The 2024 institutional campaign was created through a media mix that involved:

  • provincial and regional information web portals
  • regional television broadcasters available on digital terrestrial
  • national television broadcasters available on streaming platforms on smart TVs, geo-targeted for the Veneto
  • social media (Facebook and Instagram) with sponsored posts
  • other institutional channels (website venetorurale.it, YouTube, Telegram)


The video was created, on behalf of the Veneto Region, by the Giacomo Brodolini Foundation, as part of the communication plan for rural development. The protagonist is played by actress Martina Nuzzi, directed by Federico Caponera and Riccardo Perazza and executive produced by Bianca Sartirana.


The project is co-financed by European Union, Italy and Region of Veneto.